“I love you inside and out” is a series of pinhole pictures that deal with the desire to internalize the “outside”, to arrange it as a continuation of a very personal vision. They are intimate encounters with time and space, a way of seeing which creates an illusion of immediate experience and realness.
In these series the materiality of the film is important. The long, uninterrupted filmstrip acts analogous to the early cinema camera, to the reel rotated by the hand of the sensitive camera “person”. In these series the large format filmstrips shot with a pinhole camera are exposed while both the camera and the film are manually rotated. Thus, one image becomes constituted of a whole roll of film. Consequently, the picture / the recording of a landscape or a body, becomes an analogy to a personal memory and impression of a thing.
For me this project also plays with the idea of chronology by merging successive images in an overlapping and continuous manner, in a way trying to combine temporalities in a continuous metaphor of flow of time. In these mostly long film strips, the landscape, sometimes made up of bodies and sometimes of buildings, unfolds in an overlapping manner, underlining the “constant now” rather than a linear procession of time.